- Place an order for rose hedges for our backyard slope and a spectacular David Austin Climber for the front yard.
- Stop by a good garden shop and pick out some quality spring bulbs...tulips and dutch iris are at the top of my list. Mail order is a possiblity!
- Choose and paint the backyard retaining wall...chocolate brown. (trailing vines will look great over this, as well as a great backdrop for the beds in front...and reduce the glare from the current white color that intrudes into our family room daily! (ugh!)
- Pick up some needed hedges for around the yard, including privets for the front...and some perimeter hedges yet to be chosen.
- Get going on the groundcover options for the slope...and decide what to do with our existing lavendar.
- Rip out plants throughout the yard that are not in the grand scheme of things (husband and son and daughter needed for this chore!) this includes bouganvilla, assorted palms...etc. More on that later.
- Relish the upcoming bloom of the light pink Debutante Camelias. Oh, and the impatiens are finally growing again thanks to the recluse racoon bandit that has left us alone for a few weeks.
- Tenderly care for the Shasta daisy and Coneflower seeds i've got growing for the backyard plots.
- Get those Delphiniums growing...i've planted plenty of seeds...but nothing yet.
- Toss up some Nasistursims (no i can't spell or say that word very well)
- Move a half dozen roses i have in the front yard to a new spot to make way for a perimeter hedge!
- Wow...so much to do...big undertaking...this is going to take a while. Enjoy the process!
Monday, November 2, 2009
To Do List
These things have been on my mind to get going on in the coming weeks and months: